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Joint Statement – Fitness Harmonisation

By DPF Admin2nd February 2021General DPF News

Re:  Fitness Harmonisation – Extension to Timelines

We are pleased to be able to confirm the College of Policing have agreed they will review the MDP Firearms Training Licence in April 2022, when it is due for renewal.

This means the effective date for officers to be compliant with the fitness standard for the AFO CT role is now 31 March 2022.

The benefit of this extension to the cut off date is that the work the Force are undertaking, with the support of the DPF, to validate a fitness standard with the Institute of Naval Medicine will be completed at the same time.

The DPF have agreed two things: to accept a scientifically based standard, as long as the process to reach it is agreed and the standard is relevant to our role and, given the time leading up to the new deadline, 31 March 2022 will constitute a ‘cut off’ for officers who have not achieved the newly agreed national fitness standard. 

On that basis the Chief Constable will not deploy anyone who does not meet national standards beyond 31 March 22.

You are still encouraged, by both the Force and the DPF, to attempt ‘best effort’ up to the 7.6 level which will ensure they are able to meet the new AFO CT levels as identified by the INM, as we are confident the required level will increase.

By attempting best effort, we will be able to successfully identify officers who may require access to the DOfit programme being rolled out across the Force and to other supportive processes we may identify, to assist officers in improving their current fitness levels.

FH work strands will continue, the current pace and priority of which will be maintained.

Whilst this movement of the deadline gives officers more time to improve their individual fitness levels there should be no doubt that no further extension can be justified or will be sought by CCMDP.

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